Alex Keim "Ageist attitudes, graphic novel pg.45"
water colour on archival paper

La MADRE (Working title)
Over the past 6 years I have been exploring the political injustices and catastrophes which started for me on October 10, 2018 with the USA elections and the case against Supreme court appointment of Brett Kavanaugh vs. dr. Blasey Ford. The world stage at the time seemed open to the injustice, unkindness, divisionism and wave of misogyny which was to get a lot worse in the years that followed. For me 2018 was a prelude which only worsened as the Covid19 global pandemic arrived to shut down the world in 2020.
My response and life line was to draw. My formal education as a sculptor and MFA came in handy as I began to pull at the thread of creating once again after many years of bread and butter arts administrating— who was I kidding, I have always loved Curatorial work and helping to promote the amazing talented artists I have had the honour and pleasure of working with throughout my career— but the 2020-21 lock downs and years of working for not-for-profits had taken their toll.
Fast forward to 2024 and the drawings began to form a cohesive personal narrative. This narrative is becoming a graphic novel that now has a chance of seeing the light with a grant from the Manitoba Arts Council @mbartscouncil— I can’t even begin to express my gratitude to the Manitoba Arts Council and the Province of Manitoba for the vote of confidence of this project and journey.
water colour on archival paper
Viña del Mar, Chile Fires 2024
Watercolour on paper
@Keim 2024